
    My past isnt super interesting but here are some things that Im glad I did!
  • Earn 7 state champions and my 1st degree black belt

  • A little stupid but when I was around 4 I got into the Riddler! I adore him :D

  • Im glad I got into art and cosplay, now it's my passion!

Death Head Hawk Moth

Hi!! Im Alexis :)) I really really love the riddler and im excited to start the class ^_^ Heres my Past Present Future! Enjoy !

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  • Right now I am focusing on my personal buisness!
  • I also love to indulge in my interets! Being...

  • The Riddler and Batman in general!

  • Hannibal, both the movie and book franchise and the series!

  • Transatlantic

  • Space

  • The bands Ghost, SET IT OFF, and Mindless Self Indulgence


  • In my future I want to go into either animation or criminal forensic science!
  • Im also hoping to still be running my decently successful art and cosplay buisness! I hope it goes far :)